Smell of Musk

Is Elon Musk following me? Lifting my ideas for his products and campaigns? Or it is just coincidence?

A couple of years ago Mr Musk’s little motor company announced their huge wedge-shaped electric pick-up truck and I spotted certain similarities with my work in creating my amazing Rumbler 505 Sport Tank. Wedge-shaped? Yes. Bulletproof? Yes (well no in the case of the Musk truck when he thrashed it at the world unveiling and broke the “bulletproof” window).

Illustration of the Rumbler 505 Sport Tank

Read All About It Here

Of course this could just be coincidence or a little touch of common inspiration that drew his designers to a common theme. And then something else happened a few days ago to catch my eye and arouse my interest in the World of Musk.

100 Million Earth Day Competition

A few days ago on Earth Day 2021 around America (the 22nd of April, 2021) the visionary, innovative and disruptive Mr Musk announced the rules for his $100 million X-Prize to encourage solutions to carbon pollution and devise new ways to extract carbon from the atmosphere.

Hello, I said to myself, that sounds familiar. I vaguely remember coming up with such a proposal for a hundred million challenge – thirteen years ago.

My “Air Diamond Challenge” proposed creating a managed world fund for such a competition and to help subsidise researchers and innovators to devise new solutions. Not a quick short-term stunt for publicity but a sustainable fund and award that would stimulate and encourage new research for permanent and prosperous innovative ideas to capture and use carbon in new innovate and disruptive ways with lots of new science and technology.

You can read all about it here: Michael Bond’s Air Diamond Challenge.

Did he “lift” the idea from the pages of my writings or just another coincidence?


So what’s next for the world of Musk? Will he be reading my short stories about spaceflight and Mars to get “new” ideas for space colonisation or take his inspiration from something else I’m about to launch?

Carbon Removal

Oh, and as for removing huge tonnages of carbon from the atmosphere. That’s already built into the business modelling for Rumbler and will be ready for delivery about 9 years’ after completing funding and production of our Limited Edition superhero supercar to save the world. But I’ll keep mum about all that, you just don’t know who’s listening nowadays.

Government Threatens Future of British Car Industry

Does the “Green” Government Threaten The Future of The British Car Industry?

In the last couple of weeks the British government have announced their plans to forbid further manufacture of motor vehicles with petrol, diesel and hybrid engines by 2035, or 2032, depending on the sources quoted.

Have they considered the effects of this plan?

Hear the thoughts from Michael Bond, Rumbler Cars founder and designer of the Rumbler Sport Tank.

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Climate Change

Climate Change – Fixing It

Are you worried by all the issues of the world climate change? Worried about the unstoppable crisis we are all approaching? Do you feel we really are all doomed? Don’t be worried, it’s being fixed.

This week the world’s politicians, environmental activists and other concerned bodies meet in Poland to discuss and decide on the future of the world environment. But they are not the ones who will really fix it.

The real answer lies in the hands of talented scientists, engineers, designers, innovators and entrepreneurs around the world who are working day and night to fix it all.

The politicians and bureaucrats will make their grand announcements, but behind the scenes there are all the deals, compromises and smudges of ink on their great proclamations. Some will agree with the need for action, some will brush it aside as a nonsense or conspiracy of propaganda, or fake news as it’s now called.

None of it matters to the engineers who are already building the solutions around the world.

Don’t misunderstand. Some politicians will proclaim grand visions of the future and encourage us all to embrace that vision, but look where that led us when their chorus cried out the wonders of diesel engines decades ago and we were all encouraged, cajoled and bribed with tax benefits to buy, buy, buy diesel. Today they brush all that aside in their new song of electric cars, never mind the huge environmental effects of mining and processing rare metals around the world. They will not speak even a soft word for the limited mineral resources available for all the electric batteries we will need in their future vision, nor for the shorter lifespan of batteries (years) compared to combustion engines (decades).

Electric is the solution of the day, but not the only solution. You hear little of all the other innovations around the world. They are slowly, carefully making their way to resolving all the world’s problems, hidden in the shadows and noise of the political stage shows.

This may sound like a simplistic statement, and I know there are thousands of complex details, financial, political, technical, scientific, that must be dealt with. That is why we must focus more on the answers and how to use them, not the problems and the obstacles they pose. There are ways of overcoming all the obstacles we seem to face today. So, when you read yet another outcry that the world is doomed, it isn’t.  The future is going to be a lot brighter for everyone.

Michael Bond,
Founder, Rumbler Cars
and Designer of the Rumbler 505 Sport Tank


Michael has designed the Rumbler 505 Sport Tank as a solution to air pollution in vehicle design through innovation in engine technology. The Sport Tank embodies a new high efficiency hybrid engine design that will reduce air pollution and fuel consumption by upto 20%. This is the first step in a progressive evolution planned over the next forty years to solve the issues of air pollution from urban traffic.