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Investor Relations/Enquiries
Anyone with an interest in investing in The Rumbler or who has an enquiry about investing, leave your details here:
Public Enquiries
If you are a member of the public or have a non-specific general enquiry then drop us a line here:
Business Enquiry
Dealers, traders, government contracts – VIP/military/security contracts. If you want to do business with and for the Rumbler contact here:
Customer Enquiry / Advanced Order
If you are a customer, or agent on behalf of a customer, an enthusiast, or groups of enthusiasts wanting to acquire your own Rumbler(s) for fun, an investment, or business, contact here:
Press Enquiries
If you are a member of the press, specialist, general or freelance, and you want to learn more, create an article, arrange an interview or more then here’s the form for you: