“Let’s Go Save The World!”
Welcome to the Rumbler 505 Sport Tank, the supercar to save the world.
Everyone’s talking about saving the world from environmental catastrophe, greenhouse effects, air pollution and much more, but resources are scarce, especially if you have a totally unique answer. This is the Rumbler Sport Tank.
Inspired by the fictional Batmobile the Rumbler Sport Tank is a unique concept in high performance British supercar design and engineering to incorporate the latest ideas in engine and hybrid power. The Sport Tank will improve engine efficiency, reduce air pollution and lead forward to new designs in efficient electric power for the long term improvement of our world.
The development of the Rumbler Sport Tank will be supported by private crowd funding capital and bought by the playboys and playgirls who dream of becoming superheroes. The Rumbler Sport Tank is the answer to saving the world.
“The Trickle-Down Solution.”
We will save the world, your support, backers and customers, will bring about a new generation in technology. The principle is simple – everyone LOVES a supercar! We will bring together every enthusiast supporter in the world and then every millionaire/billionaire who dreams of being a new Dark Knight to save the world.
It’s a version of what is called “Trickle-Down”, the wealth of the super-rich will save the world by supporting and sharing in the adventure of owning the most advanced and powerful superhero supercar for adventures in the night. Through the support of our customers we will be able to solve new technology problems, create improved engine design and new electric power technologies, and our customers will be the first in the world to own this most unique, bold and distinctive new British supercar.
Why should comicbook fantasy heroes have all the fun when we can all share in the dream of a real and practical superhero supercar? If you have ever dreamed of owning or being part of such an adventure then here is your chance. Come and JOIN Team Rumbler, become a supporter of a new adventure and a new solution to the world’s problems.