The Climate Change Engine

It’s Christmas Day and today I have a small Christmas present for the planet – a potential, upto 20%, reduction in urban air pollution for delivery within eight years at no cost to tax-payers.

A New Engine, A Solution Now

For the last few years I’ve been working on the design for the Rumbler 505 Sport Tank. Partly for the challenge of creating something beautiful, partly to solve the issues of urban traffic air pollution.

At the heart of this is a new concept in efficient engine design. While some parties are more concerned about the adoption of electric power I see this as too far away to solve the problems of air pollution today. The engine is my answer, and today I calculated what it would cost and how quickly it might take to implement in the UK.

The £42 milliard solution

I believe from my own estimates that the engine will deliver an efficiency of up to 20%, reducing fuel consumption and air pollution by that amount. The logistical challenge is how to get the engine into enough vehicles and produce a tangible change in the world today.

This was the solution I completed this morning on my daily stroll around the park.

Swap out all the engines.

Don’t spend so much time trying to re-invent the vehicles with fashionable new technologies, artificial intelligence, magical batteries and much more, just swap out all the engines.

Let’s say there are twenty-one million vehicles on the roads in the UK. Each engine and the cost of installation might be an average of upto £2,000. That is a total cost of forty-two thousand million pounds. This can be afforded using financial offset programmes through Rumbler and my financial management company.

To build and replace twenty-one million vehicles of all types would be a huge exercise, but to swap out all the engines would be far quicker and easier to accomplish. I suspect it could be done within a handful of years, far quicker than trying to replace every vehicle in the UK.

If successful the programme can be rolled out across the planet relatively quickly.

A Logistical Programme

This is no vain exercise, the programme of delivery would be carefully managed to give the maximum benefit in the shortest time. Do this by delivering the engines to the most popular and air polluting vehicles first.



The most popular small vehicles in the UK: Ford Fiestas, the Mini.

Roll out to commercial vehicles, lorries and wagons.

Delivery vans for the scores of online mail-order companies nowadays, choking our cities with their white vans.

Deliver to co-operative manufactures at the same time, rolling out new cars as old ones receive their swaps.

No Problem

There is nothing exciting about this. It is a simple exercise in manufacturing and logistics to roll the engines out as quickly as possible. The funding for this is readily available once the core technology is mastered and the factories are tooled up.

This is why I continue to promote the first step – the Rumbler 505 Sport Tank.

My project is intended to kick-start this process and deliver the technology to the world. If you have any interest in sharing the adventure I invite you to spread the world and come and join me. While the politicians and the diplomats scratch their heads over the Paris Accord we’ll get on and solve the world’s problems.

The Rumbler Sport Tank – The Batmobile for Real.

Footnote – Cost-Benefit Calculation

For comparison, the investment benefit of this programme (£42 milliards) is far less than the proposed cost of the HS2 railway plan (estimated at £56 to £76 milliards, and growing daily) while offering a cleaner environment more quickly to meet new government targets under the Paris Accord. The potential benefits of exports post-BREXIT are far inexcess of the HS2 programme investment, which appears to offer no direct export income.

Cost of this programme to the Treasury is minimal while HS2 will cost huge sums of money to borrow and repay, plus interest.